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Becky Kelly Piano

Joyful Piano Lessons Designed for the Student's Learning Style 

Multi-Sensory Learning & Supplemental Video Tutorials

Daytime & Afterschool

Discounts for Multiple Students 


My primary goal as a piano teacher is to facilitate a joyful connection with music that enriches all areas of your child's development. Music education is about more than learning to play an instrument or sing; it's also about language, expression, math, relationships, perseverance, habit, reasoning and the list goes on! 

But, ultimately, music education should bring joy, and when it does, the other benefits come about naturally. 

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Multiple Domains of Learning 

Teaching across multiple learning domains: cognitive, musical, social, emotional, and physical, we strengthen the foundation for a variety of skills and enrich the growth of the whole person. For example, a piano lesson teaches note reading, while also increasing literacy skills and fine motor control at the same time. These benefits are not accidental, but the goal of whole child learning.  

Multiple Modes of Learning 

Using a variety of methods and materials, we find the best approach for teaching your child to play the piano. We focus on foundational piano skills, musical expression, theory and technique. I keenly observe how your child processes information and design the lesson to accommodate your child's primary mode of learning, whether it be visual, auditory, kinetic or a combination. 

Piano Lesson

The video tutorials for at-home practice enhance auditory and visual learning and are an integral part of the weekly practice. 

Sample Videos

Sample Videos

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Beginning Skills for Piano Lessons

  • Can isolate the fingers individually on a piano, playing one key at a time 

  • Starting to decode words and can track a sentence with eyes and fingers

  • Can sustain attention during an age appropriate activity for 20 minutes 

  • Shows interest in music and the piano 


The Profound Impacts 

Music Education and Piano Lessons

"Everyday listening skills are stronger in musically-trained children than in those without music training. Significantly, listening skills are closely tied to the ability to: perceive speech in a noisy background, pay attention, and keep sounds in memory."

Strait, D.L. and N. Kraus, Biological impact of auditory expertise across the life-span: musicians as a model of auditory learning. Hearing Research, 2013

"When we sing or create music, we use all the parts of the brain: left, right, front, and back. All these parts collaborate. That is very unique! Music is complex; that is, it uses so many aspects of a person's being."

Hanne Deneire, composer. Quoted in "Appreciating Music as a Foundational Aspect of Creativity" by Joanne Foster. Feb. 3, 2018

Gilbert, Queen Creek San Tan Valley

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